Land Based Program

Elders repeatedly remind us about striving to live the “good life.” This important instruction and founding worldview, is a vital one- as it reminds us to center ourselves, follow our journey in a good way, and consider the natural and spiritual realms on our walk.
The land-based journey is healing because it’s our natural way, our indigenous way. We will continue to follow the medicine wheel teachings – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, which provides a framework for seasonal activities and has been our way of living from time immemorial.
Unfortunately, these instructions were taken away from us for centuries and as a result, is interrupted. The land-based program at Nimkee re-introduces on-the-land teachings and offers experiential learning and land-based experiences in Three Worldviews- Anishnabe, Haudenosaunee and Lenape teachings and approaches. Ultimately, our goal is decolonization through remembering our connection to the land and revitalizing this knowledge.
Within the medicine wheel teachings, we are reminded of balance. This balance is also carried forward in our design as healing and learning are incorporated in addition to traditional and mainstream delivery.
We will bring together elders, knowledge keepers and youth together to learn from one another. This in turn, will provide many benefits such as the transmission of knowledge included in stories, history, culture, and the language. Parallel to this, youth will have a greater understanding about their natural kinship and stewardship of the land. The physical aspects of the program are immense and are also considered to have immense social and recreational benefits for the youth who are on their healing journey.
At various points, participants will be immersed in the traditional and contemporary worldview of the various seasons in holistic teachings and activities. Survival and social skills are embedded in the topics covered – e.g. fishing, hunting, and harvesting medicines and food. Participants will engage in traditional activities and seasonal protocols as much as possible.
The land-based philosophy is based on the founding “good way of life” through sacred teachings, ceremonies and songs. The seasonal Indigenous teachings have been passed down from generation to generation and our program will follow this natural rhythm. Natural laws and traditional teachings incorporate how to live off the land, care and protect Mother Earth while enjoying the benefits in a respectful manner. Participants will learn all about the sacredness of Mother Earth and all the four elements of air, water, fire and earth as part of the program.